Important Note : Cover sheet required before exposing resin to direct sunlight for these products:
SunPowered Dura Resin / Universal SunPowered Kits / Universal SunPowered Bulk Resin
1. Work in a shaded area and wear proper dust mask when sanding.
2. Sand surrounding area and rough or loose pieces to provide good adhesion of the new resin.
3. IN THE SHADE: Apply fiber filled Dura Resin to the damaged area.
4. MUST USE COVER SHEET before exposing wet resin to direct sun. Thin Saran style plastic or tape works great to go around hard to cover areas, any clear plastic works. Use the clear cover sheet to contour the resin and remove any air bubbles before moving to direct sunlight.
Full sun cures in 1 to 2 minutes. See the Phix Doctor Cure Clock for curing times in your area.
Also jump over to our video tab to see demonstrations.
Frequently asked Questions…
1.) How fast does it cure? Very fast with the cover sheet applied before exposing to sun. Full sun Dura Resin cures in 1 to 2 minutes, cloudy days take longer – Check out The Phix Doctor Cure Clock to learn more about cure times anywhere in the world.
2.) Does Dura Resin have fiber? Yes, Dura Resin is strong!
3.) Will it work on my epoxy surfboard? Yes, and cost less than other uv epoxy resins while cleaning up with soap and water!
4.) What is the shelf life? Endless…Guaranteed.
5.) Can I buy it in my local surf shop? Click here to see a growing list of retailers in your area, or drop us an email at, and we’ll find one.
6.) Is it safe for all surfboards? Yes, Dura Resin is the safest resin made for use on both epoxy and polyurethane foam cores.
7.) Is it necessary to use the clear plastic smoothy sheet? Yes, to cure really fast you’ll want to use the clear cover sheet or tape or for hard to cover areas a thinner saran style plastic works well to cover Dura Resin before moving direct sun. If a plastic cover sheet is not used, curing will still occur up to the very surface, this will leave a sticky film that is not preferable, but can be wiped away. We recommend always using a plastic covering for ultra fast one to two minute curing.
8.) I have a ding that’s longer than the smoothy /magnifier sheet, what can I use as an alternative? We haven’t found a clear piece of plastic that doesn’t work, but you can also order back ups of our premium cover sheets on our website.
9.) Is the clear smoothy sheet re-usable? Yes, and claer tape or any clear sandwich bag, plastic or the clear wrap from just about anything works fine.
Dura Resin is VOC FREE = No Volatile Organic Compounds….no nasty fumes!!
1. Work in a shaded area and wear a dust mask when sanding.
2. Sand away loose pieces and rough up the immediate surrounding area to create a solid bond to repair area.
3. Pre-fill deep holes with a mixture of Q-Cell (Dry white powder) and resin. Mix the Q-Cell with the resin in the mix cup to create a thick, pourable mixture and fill deep holes to within 1/8th inch from surface. Add mixture in 1/4 inch layers to allow sunlight to penetrate and harden then repeating the buildup process until the hole is properly filled leaving room for one final top sealing coat or resin and fiberglass.
4. If ding is over 1/2 inch in diameter it is recommended to cover with fiberglass patch that over laps the ding by about an inch for the final layer. For Fin Repairs please refer to our website (below) for “how to” videos since they require detailed instructions.
5. In the shade apply SunPowered universal resin with the mix stick to the fiberglass patch saturating the fiberglass (if used) and making sure there are no air bubbles.
NOTE: Use the clear smoothy cover sheet to cover the wet resin and remove the air bubbles and contour the resin to the surrounding repair area before moving to the sun for faster curing.
Frequently asked Questions…
1.) What is the shelf Life of Dura Resin? Endless – Guaranteed…See the Dura Resin Hot Car Challenge in it’s 5th Year!
2.) Will it work on my Polyester Surfboard? Yes, Dura Resin is Universal.
3.) What’s in this Universal Repair Kit….
- Endless Shelf Life Resin that’s Ultra Clear, Epoxy/Poly SAFE and Cleans with Soap And Water!
- Q-Cell
- 4oz Fiberglass
- Sand Paper
- Smoothy Sheets
- Gloves
- Fin Rope
- Cups
- Bamboo Mixing Sticks
- Easy Instructions in English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French and Japanese.
4.) I have a ding that’s longer than the clear smoothy sheet, what can I use as an alternative? Our Clear cover sheets are re-usable, but any clear sandwich bag plastic, or cd cover or about any plastic will work, we haven’t found a clear piece of plastic that doesn’t work.
5.) How do I clean up after working with Dura Resin? Dura Resin Cleans Up with Soap and Water!
6.) How much fiberglass is in this kit? Large Kit – 7in/18cm x 27in/69cm Small Kit – 5in/18cm x 27in/69cm
Always dispose of unused product after hardening remains in the sun and then disposing in a responsible way.
1. Use the sand paper to rough up, clean and dry repair area to create good adhesion of resin.
2. Deep holes should be pre-filled by mixing the white powder (micro balloons) with the resin in the cup provided. Work in the shade to create a thick, but pourable mixture and apply to voids in quarter inch layers exposing each layer to sun until hardened. Repeat this process until the void is nearly filled.
3. If the ding is more than a half inch across its best to overlay a piece of fiberglass by about one inch, larger dings require a larger overlap.
4. In the shade apply resin to the repair. Optional step: Lay the clear smoothy sheet over the resin working out the air bubbles as you contour the resin to its desired form.
5. Expose the repair to full sunlight or an ultra violet lamp. High sun cures in 2-3 minutes, low light takes longer.
6. After resin is hard remove the smoothy sheet and finish sanding if needed.
7. How much fiberglass is in this kit? Large Kit – 7in/18cm x 27in/69cm Small Kit – 5in/18cm x 27in/69cm
Frequently asked Questions…
Premium Silmar SunPowered Polyester Resin Kit contains:
- Q-Cell
- 4oz Fiberglass
- Sand Paper
- Smoothy Sheets
- Gloves
- Fin Rope
- Cups
- Bamboo Mixing Sticks
- Easy Instructions in English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French and Japanese.
- Free Micro Kit in large sized kit
1.) What is the shelf Life of the Resin? Approximately 1 yr, storing in a cool, dry place helps prolong shelf life sometimes over 3 yrs. We replace hardened resin for free, just send us the container.
2.) Will it work on my epoxy surfboard? Yes,with caution that the resin does NOT touch the foam core. Always make sure never to allow any polyester resin to touch EPS foam or damage can occur.
3.) Can I take it on an airplane? Not in your carry on, but usually ok as long as it’s well contained and checked with baggage in the cargo part of the airplane.
4.) I have a ding that’s longer than the smoothy /magnifier sheet, what can I use as an alternative? We haven’t found a clear piece of plastic that doesn’t work! Sandwich bag plastic or the clear wrap from a cd will work.
5.) How much fiberglass is in this kit? Large Kit – 7in/18cm x 27in/69cm Small Kit – 5in/18cm x 27in/69cm
1. Use the sand paper to rough up, clean and dry repair area to create good adhesion of the new resin.
2. Holes deeper than a quarter inch (1 cm) should be pre-filled with a thick but pourable mixture of the white powder (Q-Cell) and catalyzed resin. See catalyst mix ratio.
3. If the ding is more than a half inch across its best to overlay a piece of fiberglass that overlaps by about one inch, larger dings require a larger overlap.
4. Pour resin to be used for the repair into a cup and thoroughly mix in catalyst in the ration of 10 drops per ounce of resin. Add more catalyst in cooler temperatures and slightly less in hot conditions.
5. Use mix stick to evenly spread and saturate the ding and fiberglass leaving no air pockets or bubbles.Optional Step: Lay the clear smoothy sheet over the resin working out the air bubbles as you contour the resin to its desired form.
6. After resin is hard remove the smoothy sheet and finish sanding if needed. WARNINGHandle and store with caution. Resin contains styrene monomer. Combustible, keep away from flames. Vapor Harmful, avoid breathing of vapor. Harmful if ingested. If ingested consult a physician. Irritant to eyes and skin. In case of eye contact flush with plenty of water and consult a physician. Keep out of reach of children.
Frequently asked Questions…
1.) What is the shelf life? Approximately 6 months. We will replace hardened resin pouches FREE if you send it to us.
2.) Does it have fiber in the resin? No, but there is plenty of fiberglass in this kit as well as Q-Cell filler and fin rope that can be chopped into fiber if needed.
3.) What does this kit have in it? Depending on the size either 2.5 or 4 ounces…
- Polyester resin
- Catalyst
- Q-Cell Filler
- Fin Rope
- 3 Grits of Sandpaper
- Smoothy Sheets
- Gloves
- 4 oz Fiberglass
- Instructions in 6 languages
- Free Logo Sticker in all sizes
- Free Micro Kit in large size kit
4.) I have a ding thats longer than the smoothy /magnifier sheet, what can I use as an alternative? We haven’t found a clear piece of plastic that doesn’t work! Sandwich bag plastic or the clear wrap from a cd will work.
5.) What is the white string like rope for? This is called “fin rope” and is used along the base of the fin as a reinforcement when the fin is glassed to the board. You can see good examples of this on (keywords – how to glass on fins)
6.) How much fiberglass is in this kit? Large Kit – 7in/18cm x 27in/69cm Small Kit – 5in/18cm x 27in/69cm
Super Sap 2:1 High Performance Epoxy – VOC FREE!
Note: Resin Pot Life @ 77F/25C = 15 Minutes / Tack Free 2.5 Hours
1. Use the sand paper to rough up and clean the dry repair area for good adhesion of the new resin.
2. Deep holes should be pre-filled. If this step is not needed then refer to step 4. In separate cups provided pre-mix the epoxy resin and hardener at 2 parts epoxy, 1 part hardener in separate cups very thoroughly making sure to mix along the bottom of the cups as well, then combine the resin and hardener into a third cup, and mix for an additional 1 minute, then add the white powder (Q-Cell) mixing until a thick, but pourable liquid is achieved. Fill the void to nearly level height leaving room to add a final coat of clear epoxy resin and fiberglass if needed.
3. If ding is more than a 1/4 inch (1/2 cm) across, its best to overlay a piece of fiberglass that overlaps by about 1/2 inch, larger dings require a larger overlap.
4. Mix the desired amount of epoxy resin and hardener in separate cups in a ratio of 2 parts epoxy resin and 1 part hardener very thoroughly and then combine them in a third cup and mix again for 1 minute. Apply mixture to the ding saturating the fiberglass (step 3 if needed) and filling any voids.
Optional Step: Lay the clear smoothy sheet over the resin to contour the repair to its desired form.
5. After resin is hard remove the smoothy sheet (if used) and finish sanding if needed.
A link to tutorial videos and much more…
SUPER SAP® ONE Epoxy System is a low color, high biobased content resin system. Super Sap is the industry’s first USDA BioPreferredSM certified epoxy system. This eco-freindly epoxy has excellant air release qualities that result in smooth finishes!
Best Uses
- Surfboards, standup paddleboards and handplanes
- Fiberglass composites
- Natural fiber composites
- Woodworking
- Epoxy coatings
- Fiberglass boat repair
Frequently asked Questions…
1.) My Super Sap Resin feels like it hardened in the packaging. Answer: Because of Super Saps high bio content, it will solidify at temperatures around 73f / 22c. A Remedy for this is to place the closed resin container in a warm room until it re-liqufies, or placing the closed container in warm water for about 10 minutes, or until the resin has re-liquified.
2.) I can’t get the resin to harden. Answer: Our most common issue here is pre-measuring and pre-mixing. This is overcome by precisely measuring Part A (resin) and Part B (hardener) into separate cups, mixing them SEPARATELY and then combining them and mixing them THOROUGHLY. Even the bottom corners of the the mixing cup need to be mixed!
3.) The hardener (Part B) turned a yellow or amber color, will this effect the clarity of the finished repair? Answer: No
4.) What types of surfboards can I use this epoxy kit to fix? Answer: Super Sap Epoxy is safe to use on both styrofoam /EPS foam cores, this includes most stand up paddleboards, and polyurethane foam core surfboards.