Super Mini SunPowered Dura Resin Fiberfill Kit 1oz


SunPowered Dura Resin is a fast, uv curing resin that is super clear and fiber filled. Environmentally packaged, this kit includes a Dual Grit Sand Pad, Smoothy Sheet and 2 applicators for pro level, permanent repairs anywhere . Safe For epoxy boards with styrofoam cores and Polyester boards this low odor, endless shelf life resin will never let you down and it’s airline approved!

1 fl oz Tube of Dura Resin
Dual Grit Sand Pad
2 Mix Sticks
2 Smoothy Sheets


Can I use Dura Resin on my Epoxy Board?

Yes, Dura Resin is Safe for delicate, ultra light styrofoam cores as well as the old standard polyurethane board cores. Heat is a natural byproduct of the curing process with all resins. We recommend flashing the repair in and out of sunlight in 10 second intervals during curing when heat is a concern for ultra light foams.

Dura Resin is the only UV Curing, Fiber Filled product that is…Endless Shelf Life Guaranteed / Epoxy-Poly Safe / Airline Approved …and cleans up with soap and water!

Additional information


0.5oz., 1oz., 2oz


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